General Writing
- Stop Missing Out on Your Own Ideas
- As someone who does a great deal of thinking, but not a lot of writing, I’ve found articles like this a good reminder to note take more and more.
- How I learned to stop worrying and structure all writing as a list
- I found this article really helpful with so much of the writing I do, ranging from in academia when writing drafts to writing for this website.
Digital Gardens
- A Brief History & Ethos of the Digital Garden
- A pretty neat overview of Digital Gardens and the thinking behind them.
- Digital gardens let you cultivate your own little bit of the internet
- A perspective of Digital Gardens which verges with aspects of the Web Revival movement.
- Of Digital Streams, Campfires and Gardens
- Article about the different types of information we consume, and how this relates to Digital Gardens.
- Digital Garden Terms of Service
- Although focuses on Digital Gardens, this is a Manifesto of sorts with thinking I like to keep in mind.
- The Garden and the Stream: A Technopastoral
- Probably the first article I read about Digital Gardens, and their benefits.
- A Short History of Bi-Directional Links
- All about bi-directional links.
- “Wtf is a Zettelkasten?”
- A great all-round guide.
- An Interactive Introduction to Zettelkasten
- Seeing the method in practice.
- The Collector’s Fallacy
- As someone who falls into the collector trap, I’ve found this article important to keep in mind.